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Uranium is a mineral found in the rocks. It isn’t a renewable energy, we can’t make more.
Everithing is made for atoms and their are formed too by neutrons and protons and moving around them there are the electrons.
There is a energy stored n the nucleus of an atom (Nuclear energy). There are two forms ti free the energy in atoms:
1. Fusion: Is to combine atoms to make a new atom. Here we have an example:

How by the combination of two atoms we have energy2. Fission: Is to split the atoms apart. We can split one atom in two smaller atoms. The extra energy is released as heat and radiation. Here we have an example:

Power plants use fission to make energy. Atoms from uranium are split into anothers smaller. The heat that is released as heat is used to make electricity.

Nuclear power is clean, he don’t burn anything to pollute the atmosphere but it produces radiation (rays of energy like X-Rays also given off).

Some radiation is helpful, is used by the doctors for  x rays. Power plants are very careful to keep radiation from escaping.

A fuel from nuclear power station produces too much radiation. This radiation can’t be put into a landfill, it have to be stored in special cubes, for take it away from people.

Some people think that the radiation is too dangerous for our lives. But others no.

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